We Have Moved

Drilbert Engineering closed down their Houston office and relocated their corporate headquarters to Western Montana, the unofficial fly fishing capital of the world.

Recent Awards

Our president John Mitchell was awarded two honorary diplomas and made Professor Laureate at Gupkin University in Moscow in 2019. He also received a silver medal for distinguished service from the Oil and Gas Ministry. We give special thanks to the Gupkin University for these distinctions.

Non Profit Courses for Universities and Colleges

Drilbert Engineering has begun conducting free courses at colleges and Universities. We have conducted three 2-day Trouble-Free Drilling courses for The Colorado School of Mines since 2016. In 2020 we conducted one 2-day Trouble-Free Drilling course for the AADE of Texas Tech, and a virtual one day Rock Mechanics course for the AADE of The University of TX.

Drilbert Engineering also offers free Trouble-Free Drilling manuals to drilling students in any University or College that requests them.

Copyright© 2011 Drilbert Engineering